Call 0424 700 560
Client: Bernie Vail - Mahi Mahi Fishing Charters
Type of Project: Boat modifications

What was the project?

The Mahi Mahi Fishing Charter vessel operating out of Coral Bay was brought down to the yard for modifications before the charter season commenced.

What We Did.

We fabricated and installed a large canopy to provide shade, rod holders and hand rails. We extended the cabin housing the toilet and fabricated and fit a large marlin board with folding ladder.

Boat canopy

Framing out the canopy

Boat canopy

Moving completed canopy

Boat modification

Toilet extension underway

Boat modification

Toilet extension completed

Boat canopy

Rod holders and extensive grab rails

Boat canopy

Canopy installed with clears

Boat modification

Marlin board installed

Boat modification

Marlin board with ladder

Boat canopy

Ample shade on deck

How To Catch Us

Unit 3/58 Miguel Rd Bibra Lake 6163

0424 700 560
