Call 0424 700 560
Client: Charter 1
Type of Project: Boat Modifications

What Was The Project?

Charter 1 operate several charter vessels, one of which is the Windcheetah. We undertook a twin hull extension and modifications to the charter vessel.

What We Did.

We removed the deck and bulkheads for engine installation. We re-framed and re-plated an extension to hull on both sides. We removed and replaced the existing engine beds and stern tubes. We re-skinned part of the skegs, welded out the stern tubes and fabricated and fit new trim tabs. We fabricated throttle body, hull hatches and replaced bulkheads and double berth. Finally we fabricated sea strainers, exhaust outlets, mufflers, pump brackets and twin ladders with hand rails.

Boat modifications

Commencing starboard side extension

Boat modifications

Extension completed

Boat modifications

Hull extension

Boat modifications

New trim tabs

Boat modifications

Twin hull extension

Boat modifications

Ladder on hull extension

How To Catch Us

Unit 3/58 Miguel Rd Bibra Lake 6163

0424 700 560
